2011年5月6日 星期五

Assignment 12

這遊戲不管在世界各地都十分有名氣,出色而吸引人的地方一定是遊戲本身自由度極高,賣點是可以令玩家做到現實生活做不到的事,例如殺人,黑社會,搶劫,大型武器等,令玩家為之瘋狂,外國有很多玩家模仿這遊戲而犯罪,曾有三名美國青少年製造了 3 宗自製燃油炸彈引爆汽車案,被捕後他們表示是從 GTA 遊戲中學來的這招,還有在泰國更有青年模仿GTA用刀刺死的士司機,結論是不管是遊戲,電影或是書籍等都有可能入侵年青人,甚至成年人的思想.

Assignment 11

Creative Commons


2011年4月18日 星期一

Assignment 10

league of legends

這遊戲是即時戰略線上遊戲, 遊戲賣點是英雄, 英雄是根據玩家的勝利次數以及模擬幣來換取自己喜歡的英雄人物, 還可以使用SEVER提供的免費英雄,可以讓玩家免費嘗試到不同的英雄,一個星期更新一次, 由於遊戲是即時戰略, 玩家可以和朋友一起參與, 還可以在網上結識不同國家的玩家.

Assignment 9


Assignment 8

Hong Kong film lacks the freshness, the actors always these, i think should do some new things, learn a foreign film, the actors have to try to use other people.

Assignment 7

Than the old media, new media are the biggest group, the new media can turn out the message from the internet, due to technological advances now, everywhere you can online, new media since the FACEBOOK, youtube, yuku, tudou and other sites make up. Phone Internet fashionable, Messages can be received immediately.

Assignment 6

This ads have few Creative main points, first the girl take off the shirt, let people interested, second few second nothing happen let people expect, third the girl wear the shirt suddenly, let the people think whats happen, fourth is the girl just wear the shirt for cover her hair, fifth the boy walk in front of the girl and Sinister smile. if you thinking about that the girl have a bad hair and bad body, why? because the girl fear people look at her hair, even if people look at her bad body. The end is people need to use their product.